- Led Pujo Atlas Web App development, achieving an impressive 10,000 daily visitors and processing 114,000 requests over five days during Durga Puja 2024
- Collaborated with sponsors — Cloudflare, Netlify, and Sentry to significantly enhance platform performance and reliability
- Jul2024 - CurrentPujo AtlasTeam Lead (FE)
- Jun2023 - CurrentRapidKen.AISoftware Engineer
- Developed SEO optimization tool, leveraging proprietary algorithms and AI to boost search engine rankings
- Engineered AILinks, a user-friendly internal linking tool for improved website optimization
- Optimized loading speed of in-house no-code tools, enhancing user experience and workflow efficiency
- Collaborated cross-functionally to address product development challenges and foster a culture of continuous learning
- Jun2022 - Jun2023Professional DevelopmentCareer Break
Contributed to, and built several open-source frameworks, starters, libraries, and apps revolving around frontend technologies like Next.js, React.js, and Tailwind CSS; ORMs like Prisma, and cross-platform frameworks like React Native, and Tauri; and backend technologies like tRPC. create-t3-app & tRPC are two of the most notable open-source projects I’ve contributed to during this time.
- Jan2022 - Jun2022CognizantIntern
- Obtained hands-on experience in Full Stack and CI/CD technologies, and applied this knowledge to business-ready projects
- Completed behavioral training programs to build positive relationships with colleagues and clients